Thursday, September 22, 2011

    Hi! My name is Anna West. I am a senior at Western Washington University in Bellingham, Washington. My typical day entails waking up to my loud and sometimes obnoxious alarm clock that I usually hit the snooze button to once or twice before actually getting up. I then move on to getting ready for the day. I rarely go through a day without having a cup of coffee while I am in school; however, I am not addicted to the caffeine I just like the taste of coffee. :) For breakfast I usually microwave a nice warm bowl of oatmeal. I usually add brown sugar and a little bit of peanut butter.
 I ride the public bus to school every day to save money on gas and it is also sometimes fun because you get to talk with your friends who are riding that same bus. This quarter in school I am taking two classes a day. The lengths of my classes are all two hours long.When I am finished with my classes for the day, I go to the university recreational center which is a building where there are workout machines, basketball courts, indoor pool and hot tub, and an indoor track. I definitely am grateful for all of the equipment and technology Western provides for the students here.

After I am done working out I usually go back home, eat some dinner and begin studying. I'm not the best cook so my dinner usually entails heating up some soup or cooking chicken to put on my salad. Three nights out of the week I play in intramural games. Intramurals is an athletic program where students from the university play sports. Students create teams and sign up for the sports they want to play in that are available. Each quarter there is a different list of sports available. For example, this quarter the sports available are; flag football, volleyball, dodgeball, soccer, and 3-on-3 basketball. For this quarter I am playing on a co-ed soccer, dodgeball, and flag football team, and a women's volleyball team. The games are all usually in the evening when the students are done with classes or working.

Once all that is finished I start to relax by watching television or play on my lap top. Some of my favorite shows to watch are: Friends, The Bachelor or Bachelorette, Biggest Loser, Modern Family, and the list can go on. Since I watch television for my downtime I end up getting hooked into different reality shows or sitcoms. I mainly use my lap top for studying or homework, but sometimes I like to check my Facebook account. If you haven't heard of what that is, it is a social networking website. This is where you can stay in touch with your friends. After I'm all relaxed I usually head of to bed and start the routine all over again the next day.

I am from Marysville, Washington...

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Here is a little description of what I love