Saturday, November 12, 2011

New Technology Programs

In my IT class we went around and looked at our classmates Self Chosen Projects. As I walked around the classroom, there were many new and fascinating technology programs that I have never heard of or used before. There were many great aspects to each and every technology program I saw.

Some technology programs I would most likely use in my classroom:

SmartBoard: I really like how interactive this technology can be. Many students can work in groups on different projects, games, activities, etc. It is also great for teachers to use for instruction. The SmartBoard has many games that are interactive that can also accommodate to different learning styles. Even though, to purchase this program can be expensive, I think it is worth it.
Quizlet: I really like how with this program you can create flashcards and it provides various types of study modes to choose from for free! There can be study groups created online with the students which can provide the students with the opportunity to work together. This program also can be a helpful strategy for students who have a hard time studying or are looking for new strategies to help them study.

Polldaddy: This is a great technology for creating surveys or taking polls. You can also create quizzes for your students. This program can be used by both teachers and students. Another aspect I really like about this technology program is that it lets you use 200 surveys for free.

Some technology programs I would least likely use in my classroom:

Doink and Animoto: I really find these technologies interesting and I like the idea of making a video or slideshow of something the students are learning in class. However, there are many programs out there that have the same features as these programs that I could also use in my classroom. I think these are neat programs but I don’t see them being super beneficial in the classroom.

A technology program I found fascinating:

I found the IPad app Mathboard as a very fascinating technology program. I thought it had many effective features and inexpensive. I really like how helpful and useful this program is at such a low price. This program allows access to addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. There are a variety of features you can use; ranging from problem solving, to multiple choice questions, to practicing multiplication tables, and so on. The Mathboard also has a variety of math levels that can benefit the different student’s math levels. The only concern I have with this program is that you can only use in on the IPad which not all teachers will have access to.  

Instructional Strategies

After assessing all of the different technologies I found that there are so many different types of programs that a teacher can incorporate in his/her classroom. Technology provides many different opportunities for successful student learning. Since there is such a wide range of technology programs available, as a teacher you can produce different instructional options/strategies that benefits each individual student needs. For example, Quizlet is a great study habit program for students, Edistorm is a great brainstorming program, Mathboard is a great app for practicing math problems, Voki is a great program for students who are very shy and don’t feel comfortable speaking in class, also can be beneficial to use with students who are learning English as their second language, and the Smartboard is very visual and can be very interactive.  I found all of these different technology programs I learned about in class very appealing, as well as learning new helpful ways I can use some of them in my future classroom.