Thursday, December 8, 2011

The Philosophy of Technology in the Classroom

Technology continues to grow at such a rapid pace and its involvement in our world today has grown immensely.  The technological growth from when I was a kid, to what it is today, to what it will be in the future is hard for me to wrap my head around. The use of technology in a classroom can be very beneficial for all students and even the teacher if it is curriculum-based. “Integration of technology with curriculum and professional growth increases student achievement.” ( Lastly, technology can brighten up the classroom to a more interactive; student involved style, rather than an old school teacher lecture base classroom.
I do think technology should be used in the classroom and can be very valuable if it is used wisely and safely. I think technology can be used most effectively to improve both mathematics and writing. The use of technology in a classroom affects student academic achievement, “Students whose teachers were high level users of technology in the classroom scored significantly better than did students whose teachers were low level users of technology in the classroom.” ( This research was based on mathematic scores in the classroom. Teachers who allowed students to use technology in the classroom during math can help the students visually see how the problem is solved. Using both teacher- base instruction and computer software standard-base instruction can be a very effective teaching strategy for student learning. However, a downside to technology if it is not used properly it can be manipulated. For example, during math students might find a way to find the answer without having to actually conceptually solve the problem on their own.
There are many ways that technology can help assist student learning as well as assess. There are many different kinds of assistive technology devices that can help students at many different learning levels, disabilities, or impairments. Using assistive technology devices can help all students participate in lessons, such as for students who have a hard time speaking or ELL students can use iPad apps that help develop language. I think the iPad is a great device to have in the classroom because you can download or buy a wide range of apps that assist a variety of students, such as: language development, social development, reading and writing, mathematics, self-management, art and music, etc. The iPad is definitely a technology device I would use in the classroom if I have the opportunity. Receiving a classroom size amount of iPads would be very expensive, which then I would use computers in replace of the iPads.  An iPad and a computer are very similar; there are benefits and drawbacks to using both. I think computers are a better use for writing and reading programs. The screen is larger making it easier for the students to read as well as it comes with a keyboard making it easier for students to type. However, the iPads are very petite so they don’t take up much space, and there are thousands of great applications out there to download for students.
The disadvantages to technology would be the cost, accessibility, and unpredictability. Technology can be very expensive and some schools might not be able to afford it. This can create an achievement gap between schools who can afford technology programs versus schools that cannot. Another disadvantage is accessibility, not all students have access to technology outside of school. For example, if a classroom had a class blog and their homework was to write in their blog, some students might not be able to find access to a computer outside of school. This is something all teachers should keep in mind when assigning out of class work.  Last of all, the unpredictability to whether the technology will work that day or not. Technology can be unreliable sometimes. On some days, there can be glitches and it won’t work properly. As a teacher, you need to always remember to have a backup plan when you are using technology in a lesson.   
Overall, I do plan on using technology in my future classroom. I don’t plan on just solely using technology without any teacher instruction, but I do think it is beneficial for student learning to use a mixture of both. The only way technology can promote student learning is if it is used effectively and proficiently in the classroom. As a teacher you need to make sure the use of the technology relates to the curriculum that is being taught for it to be valuable. I will do my best to make sure I remember all of the advantages of technology as well as the disadvantages to provide the best learning environment for all of my future students.

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